Love letters have always been a source of trouble. Give a letter to a girl in school, the next day you are in front of the principal explaining your ‘heinous’ act, give it to a girl in college,it's the same scene, only it's the parents or another suitor who is enraged that you dared to give a letter to his future girl friend,that you are faced with. And try giving it to a girl who already likes you, there are chances of her mother finding it in the notes and so on. But the ever problem causing lover letters were written, is written and will be written.

Mention love letters and two instances from my school days come flooding back. When I was in 7th standard there was this classmate who liked a girl in our class.After guarding the secret for a long time he decided to open his heart to her. As you might have guessed he wrote her a love letter, in an Inland postal sheet. If you don’t recollect, it is the one which is blue in color and has two pages. He was well prepared, he had seen a lot of movies and knew exactly what to write and how, he drew a huge heart on one sheet with an arrow piercing through it and on the other sheet he tried to write a poem on his lady love's beauty. I remember some of it and it saidsomething about her blue eyes and long hair, she had neither, and how she looks like the moon ( she was only as pale as one) and all the creative stuff a 12-year-old can think of.
I don’t know if he had the intention of giving it to her or not but that’s when destiny intervened. He had kept it in his book which was accidently seen by Kartik and me. It was too good a chance to miss and we picked it up from there and as soon as the class was over we went to the Xerox shop and made a few copies of it. This we distributed among a few friends. This was the moment of 7th standard for us and some brilliant guy got the idea of pinning it on to the bulletin board which was immediately approved. I couldn’t wait for the next day; I had goose bumps and hurried my father to take me to school early. But from here everything went downhill. First by the time I went to class the girl was already there and was crying and was being pacified by the rest of the girls and all the boys were standing around and looking at her. Still we had a few laughs and congratulated each other, but the tension of where this will lead to started creeping in. Then our Bangarappa made a grand entry and got to know the situation and couldn’t handle the teasing and took his bag and was about to leave when the bell rang and he had to go to the assembly. The girl didn’t come to the assembly and so didn’t half the girls in the class. When we came back, things turned for the worse.
We were welcomed back from the prayers by our class teacher,head mistress and the principle. The boy was asked to stand out and was asked whether he wrote the letter. He didn’t answer, the teacher asked again, he didn’t answer, by the this time the PT master had entered the scene, again he asked the same question,but the guy didn’t answer and then there was a huge sound of a hand making contact with the cheeks. I almost peed in my pants, now we had two people crying. I could understand why the boy was crying, he was embarrassed and moreover he was at the receiving end of one of the most resounding slap (it was even rumored that he lost his hearing capacities because of this), but why was she crying? Later I got to know that getting a love letter was equal to being raped in 7th standard terms. In half an hour her parents were there and his parents were there and there were a whole lot of closed door meetings and after about two hours this boy walked in followed by teachers and his parents, then the girl came with her parents and he was made to apologise to her in front of us and he had to apologies to us, for what I don’t know, then he started crying and then his mother started crying and I suddenly felt really sick in my stomach. Later we came to know he was trashed by the PT master in the principal’s room. Finally this guy failed and left the school and the girl never received another lover letter in her entire life, infact I think if she gets hold of that letter now, she will treasure it for life!

The second incident happened when I was in 10th standard, there was this junior in my school, I forget his name. He gave a letter to his classmate and it ended up with the teacher. As we passed this guy this guy, who was with the teacher and an ‘aaya',we noticed that there was something pinned to his shirt .The teacher had pinned the letter to his back and was parading him throughout the school.The tearful guy stood there while the teacher told everyone what he had done.We had a good laugh, but not before our teacher gave us a sermon about how studies should be our priority and how God won't appreciate acts such as these.
Cutting to the present day, I am reminded of another happening. Ram Sena, the self proclaimed protector of the society trashed a group of partying youngsters in Mangalore because that act was "against our culture". They entered a pub on a Saturday afternoon and ransacked the building and trashed the people inside. They had various reasons, protecting the culture, teaching youngsters the right ways to live, protesting against conversion etc. I am not debating their intent though I strongly oppose it. I am talking about their actions. Even if the youngsters were indulging in activities that were anti-Indian, there is way to handle things and to put your thoughts across. Duly Ram-Sena was attacked by all sections of the society and it became a political issue. We even had a women’s group send Pink-Shorts to them and Ram-Sena sent sarees in return, pink or not I don’t know. I am very happy Ram-Sena was reprimanded and labeled a terrorist organization.

What I fail to understand is how the third incident is different from the first two. You have children,13-15 year old, who are having hormonal changes and who were hit and paraded throughout the school like criminals for writing a letter. They are left scared for life because of this. Once again I am not debating whether it was right or wrong, though personally I see no wrong in expressing your feelings. I am talking about the treatment meted out to these two boys. Why are these teachers any better then Ram-Sena? I even had a teacher who told us that we can’t be taken on a two day excursion because the girls and boys in the class would then mingle freely. No wonder Ram-Sena has its supporters. We are breeding them in our schools. I leave it here for you to think about it and form your conclusions. Personally, when we have teachers like these in our schools no wonder we have Ram-Sena on the Streets.

Mention love letters and two instances from my school days come flooding back. When I was in 7th standard there was this classmate who liked a girl in our class.After guarding the secret for a long time he decided to open his heart to her. As you might have guessed he wrote her a love letter, in an Inland postal sheet. If you don’t recollect, it is the one which is blue in color and has two pages. He was well prepared, he had seen a lot of movies and knew exactly what to write and how, he drew a huge heart on one sheet with an arrow piercing through it and on the other sheet he tried to write a poem on his lady love's beauty. I remember some of it and it saidsomething about her blue eyes and long hair, she had neither, and how she looks like the moon ( she was only as pale as one) and all the creative stuff a 12-year-old can think of.
I don’t know if he had the intention of giving it to her or not but that’s when destiny intervened. He had kept it in his book which was accidently seen by Kartik and me. It was too good a chance to miss and we picked it up from there and as soon as the class was over we went to the Xerox shop and made a few copies of it. This we distributed among a few friends. This was the moment of 7th standard for us and some brilliant guy got the idea of pinning it on to the bulletin board which was immediately approved. I couldn’t wait for the next day; I had goose bumps and hurried my father to take me to school early. But from here everything went downhill. First by the time I went to class the girl was already there and was crying and was being pacified by the rest of the girls and all the boys were standing around and looking at her. Still we had a few laughs and congratulated each other, but the tension of where this will lead to started creeping in. Then our Bangarappa made a grand entry and got to know the situation and couldn’t handle the teasing and took his bag and was about to leave when the bell rang and he had to go to the assembly. The girl didn’t come to the assembly and so didn’t half the girls in the class. When we came back, things turned for the worse.
We were welcomed back from the prayers by our class teacher,head mistress and the principle. The boy was asked to stand out and was asked whether he wrote the letter. He didn’t answer, the teacher asked again, he didn’t answer, by the this time the PT master had entered the scene, again he asked the same question,but the guy didn’t answer and then there was a huge sound of a hand making contact with the cheeks. I almost peed in my pants, now we had two people crying. I could understand why the boy was crying, he was embarrassed and moreover he was at the receiving end of one of the most resounding slap (it was even rumored that he lost his hearing capacities because of this), but why was she crying? Later I got to know that getting a love letter was equal to being raped in 7th standard terms. In half an hour her parents were there and his parents were there and there were a whole lot of closed door meetings and after about two hours this boy walked in followed by teachers and his parents, then the girl came with her parents and he was made to apologise to her in front of us and he had to apologies to us, for what I don’t know, then he started crying and then his mother started crying and I suddenly felt really sick in my stomach. Later we came to know he was trashed by the PT master in the principal’s room. Finally this guy failed and left the school and the girl never received another lover letter in her entire life, infact I think if she gets hold of that letter now, she will treasure it for life!

The second incident happened when I was in 10th standard, there was this junior in my school, I forget his name. He gave a letter to his classmate and it ended up with the teacher. As we passed this guy this guy, who was with the teacher and an ‘aaya',we noticed that there was something pinned to his shirt .The teacher had pinned the letter to his back and was parading him throughout the school.The tearful guy stood there while the teacher told everyone what he had done.We had a good laugh, but not before our teacher gave us a sermon about how studies should be our priority and how God won't appreciate acts such as these.
Cutting to the present day, I am reminded of another happening. Ram Sena, the self proclaimed protector of the society trashed a group of partying youngsters in Mangalore because that act was "against our culture". They entered a pub on a Saturday afternoon and ransacked the building and trashed the people inside. They had various reasons, protecting the culture, teaching youngsters the right ways to live, protesting against conversion etc. I am not debating their intent though I strongly oppose it. I am talking about their actions. Even if the youngsters were indulging in activities that were anti-Indian, there is way to handle things and to put your thoughts across. Duly Ram-Sena was attacked by all sections of the society and it became a political issue. We even had a women’s group send Pink-Shorts to them and Ram-Sena sent sarees in return, pink or not I don’t know. I am very happy Ram-Sena was reprimanded and labeled a terrorist organization.

What I fail to understand is how the third incident is different from the first two. You have children,13-15 year old, who are having hormonal changes and who were hit and paraded throughout the school like criminals for writing a letter. They are left scared for life because of this. Once again I am not debating whether it was right or wrong, though personally I see no wrong in expressing your feelings. I am talking about the treatment meted out to these two boys. Why are these teachers any better then Ram-Sena? I even had a teacher who told us that we can’t be taken on a two day excursion because the girls and boys in the class would then mingle freely. No wonder Ram-Sena has its supporters. We are breeding them in our schools. I leave it here for you to think about it and form your conclusions. Personally, when we have teachers like these in our schools no wonder we have Ram-Sena on the Streets.
dude, this is a very good observation , altough i would agree that this is very much a sad case, i dont think its contemporary, see now i think the situation is a bit different, kids are exposed to a lot of stuff, and they generally feel its lame to write love letters, the advent of the mobile phones have made life much simpler. i dont think anyone would be a innocent as bangarappa as to take the effort to write a love letter, i think they are out of fashion or something..i know this is not the point u are trying to make but that experince is a very sad one, u know wht, i think the situation would have been really different if there was any other girl there in the picture..;)
The thing is this may not be contemporary, but the 'Ram-Sena' people who are right now doing the damage are people who were brought up with that ideology. I am just trying to tell you how people see one thing as terrorism and the same thing elsewhere as moral upbringing.
awesome connection.. before I continue my comment.. Bangarappa??? ha ha ha.. (real name or just for the blog?) Its actually very true what you have mentioned about Ram Sena activists being brought up in that ideology. But one thing I would like to tell is that class teacher is responsible for his/her students. So the teacher took the decision of informing this to their parents, or punishing or wateva the teacher did.. made him apologize and all.. but on what authority did Ram Sena do all these acts...
Its the teachers responsibility to take care of her students, that doesn't give her the authority to downright abuse them. And about Ram Sena, the first line about them says it all, they are a self proclaimed protector of society. They are terrorists and a menace. All I am trying to say is, this is how kids learn to be like them..
i was actually discussing abt this ram sene thing with shruti and tinku the other day..see u have to know something abt these these are the kind of people who were either too embarrassed of their own self to actually approach girls through out their life, i think u know the kind very well, the kind who would actually Slap a girl to let her know how much they love her( bears no resemblance to any living person or dead) lot of these attacks are a result of years of rejection and sexual frustration, these people are protecting nothing..they would give their right arm to be the rich guy fooling around with a lot of attractive women, but they know this is not this unfortunate truth cannot be accepted so easily hence they explode through these channels.
I myself have written several dozen letters during school. However never got caught with those. But times were different then, back then I would have would have been let go with a severe tongue lashing I have no idea how the reactions would be today.
good 2 see you blog man.....keep goin....
good one Chait. especially the analogy between Ram Sena and the teachers.... the situation is no different today than it was during our times... only that technology has improved... so has the idea if LOVE.... and so the perverseness of thought!
Lo chaitu, when you say some one got the idea to pin the letter to the notice board, I exactly know who it was and I can assure that he lived upto his reputation of getting his peers into trouble
1) One big hand episode
2) One unfortunate incident in class :(
I am sure you would have written. why dont you try giving a letter and update us on that??
LKB adella nanidalla. I dont plan things. They happen.
Bahala intellectual agidya...
Brilliant post mate !
It was hilarious in the beginning but turned out to be really thought provoking in the end ...
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